
2008-06-11 10:23 pm
有人同我講話唔算,但係crystalisation係要有saturated solution,如果白膠漿本身係saturated solution,咁佢evaporate左,咁d solid的白膠漿係唔係白膠漿的crystal呢?又有冇野可以proof到白膠漿係saturated solution?

(因為我係讀英中,所以唔係好知science個d專有名詞的中文係咩,所以最好呢個d專有名詞就用英文答la , e.g. solute,solvent...你講中文我會唔係好明,其他的你用中文都冇所謂,中英夾雜都ok架)

回答 (1)

2008-06-11 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
白膠漿乾左唔算 crystalisation. If 算 crystalisation, when you add solvent once again (water or thinner天那水), the solid will dissolve. But in fact, once the 白膠漿乾左, it doesn't dissolve in solvent again.
白膠漿乾左其實係 bond formation / polymerization / chemical reaction. Due to oxidation or photchemical reaction, the small molecules dissolved in the 白膠漿 solvent join together and become bigger molecules by forming covalent bonds. The bigger molecules are the 白膠漿乾左 solid left behind.

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