李白講過: [天生我材必有用], 你會相信 [你有材, 一定會有用] ?

2008-06-11 9:15 pm
[ 天 生 我 材 必 有 用 ]
你 會 相 信......
[ 你 有 材, 一 定 會 有 用 ] ?

回答 (4)

2008-06-11 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你 會 相 信......

[ 你 有 材, 一 定 會 有 用 ] ?
[ 天 生 我 材 必 有 用 ]
參考: 自已
2008-06-13 7:02 am
唔係 [ 天 生 我 材 必 有 用 ],

係 [ 天 生 我 才 必 有 用 ] 至真。
2008-06-12 1:52 am
其實好諷刺, 李白吟這句詩的時候, 正正是他覺得自己懷才不遇, 自信自己有能力卻不被重用. 換句話說, 李白相信自己" 有材", 現實卻不被任用!

人通常o係最無信心之時, 才會把自己的信念宣之於口!
2008-06-11 11:33 pm
Certainly believed! From infancy to maturity, the daddies all taught I
said: "In world, regardless of beggar good, the extraordinary
personality also is good, all certainly has him from already strong
point." Therefore I by the beginning to the end all take this word as
the criterion, has wide acquaintance the friend, studies their strong
point, makes up from already insufficiency. Believed still has many
friends to be able to agree with my □view. Therefore I believed

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