Passive voice 急急急!!!!

2008-06-11 9:11 pm
I think Tom's watch ________________(steal) by his neighbour.
我填了: had been stolen
但答案係: was stolen

我想問點分應該用has/have/had been _________同埋is/am/are/was/were ________?

姐係我唔知幾時應該用邊款? (請詳細解釋)


to: STEVIE-G 但係我個答案係had been stolen, 唔係had stolen, 係passive voice唔係past perfect tense喎...

回答 (3)

2008-06-12 11:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
先澄清左樓上一點:「steal 是一個短暫性動詞,不是可以持續一段時間的動詞, 不可以接在has/have/had 后」
試下用 google 搵 "has stolen",可以搵到超過 1.4 million 個例子。我再作一個:
How can you make any excuse for him? He has stolen my money!
present perfect 講已經發生o既事,影響至今,有乜唔得?上例o既影響就係「我冇左d錢!」(now the money is gone!)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
睇返問題本身,兩句都係 passive,你唔清楚之處係
1. passive voice
2.而係 tenses。
先講 passive voice 結構,其實只係原句主要動詞(即講係乜野動作o個個,如 walk,dance)之前,多左個 be 或佢o既不同變化,即係:be, is, am, are, was, were, been, being
John kicked him. => He was kicked by John.
只要主要動詞前加上 be,將主要動詞本來o既形態(呢句係 past tense)套用於 be 度(咁 be 就變成 was),再將主要動詞變成 past participle,同埋 subject object 換位,咁就成句變成 passive。多個例子,留意動詞 tense 變化:
The dog is barking at Simon. => Simon is being barked at (by the dog).(is 不變,只係加左 be,佢繼承左 barking o既 ing,而 barking 則變成過去分詞 barked)
所以,had been stolen 同埋 had stolen,其實都係 past perfect tense,只係前者係 passive,後者 active。
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
依家可以講 tenses。就以你o既答案講:
I think Tom's watch had been stolen by his neighbour.
past perfect tense 用於有兩件事一先一後發生,咁較早o既一件用 past perfect 講,而較近o既一件用 simple past。如:
I had already cleaned the room before he came.
但呢句中你可以話冇一件較近o既往事,所以用 past perfect 就不恰當。平日我地想講一件往事,只要用 simple past 即可。所以答案先會係:
I think Tom's watch was stolen by his neighbour.
即係話,如果呢句係想講隻錶係o係某事發生之前已經失竊,咁就應該用 past perfect,如:
I think Tom's watch had been stolen by his neighbour before he left home.
2008-06-11 9:56 pm
1. has/have/had .....是現在完成時/過去完成時,強調已經發生的事完成了. 通常has/have/had 可以持續一段時間的動詞的現在/過
for example:
I had travel to USA. (travel:旅行 可以持續一段時間)

2. has/have/had been ...是完成時/過去完成時的被動式,
通常has/have/had been 可以持續一段時間的動詞過去完成式

The pen had been used for 3 months. (use: 用 可以持續一段時間)

3. is/am/are/was/were ________是現在/過去時,
指正發生/ 發生了的事,表明事件發生的時間是現在/過去.

I am a student. 我現在是一個學生.

I was a student. 我過去是一個學生.(現在不是)

4. was /were 過去完成式 是現在/過去時的被動式

I kicked him. = He was kick by me.

Tom's neighbour stole Tom's watch.=
Tom's watch was stolen by his neighour.

steal 是一個短暫性動詞,不是可以持續一段時間的動詞, 不可以接在has/have/had 后
2008-06-11 9:20 pm
had been stolen 係用左past perfect tense,呢種tense會係以下2種情況使用:
e.g. The patient had died before the doctor came.
2.作用reported speech
Directed:I has been to China.
Reported:I had been to China.
所以因為tom's watch被人偷係發左左,屬於過去,所以係用past tense.

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