中英家庭 -- 教導孩子雙語的資料

2008-06-11 2:37 pm


回答 (1)

2008-06-12 6:07 am
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I am currently in New York, my daughter is 12 years old now. She has no problem speak and learn Chinese cause I talk to her in Cantonese in day 1. Since English is her first language, I never worry about her English skill. She only speaks Cantonese with me before she went to nursery school. In three weeks, she speaks fluent English with her teachers. However, when she got home, I speak only Cantonese with her. She resisted at first and I insisted I only speak Cantonese at home. When she request something, she needs to speak in Cantonese. I will teach her the name of the things in Cantonese if she doesn't know the Chinese name of the things. It takes time but be consistent and she will keep it up eventually. Every two years, we went back HK together, she has no problem to conversate with any relatives in HK. My parent speak with her in Cantonese and she feels good about her language skill. She is a middle school student and she goes to Chinese school evey Saturday. I don't expect much on her Chinese, but I keep her interest in her Chinese background.

For Mandarin, I use the BBC web page. It helps her with her Mandarin Chinese school.


My experience is it mainly depend on you as their parent. My daughter is the only child so is much easier. If they have siblings, you have to set the rule much clear that only Chinese can be speak at home. Otherwise, they talk to each other in English and you will be the outsider. Also, make it fun and encourage them to use their Chinese language. Let them order from the chinese menu when eat out. Challenge them to tell you the subject or things name in both language and set a weekly award chart.


2008-06-11 22:09:57 補充:
She is very comfortable talking with me in Cantonese even in front of her friend. She felt more embarassing if I need to speak English because of my accents. I don't mind and I feel good about my decision.

2008-06-11 22:10:10 補充:
Since I am not a native speaker, I will never speak as perfect as the American. I had seen so many Chinese make this same mistake by speaking English at the first place and end up their child feel embarassed that they don't even speak to them when they began to turn teens.
參考: my experience and hope it helps

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