Is +1 the highest number?

2008-06-11 3:58 am

回答 (9)

2008-06-11 4:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
are u on crack, coke, pot, estacy or any drugs or do u need to go to kindergarden again. Even that kid would know the answer. 2 is higher than 1,3 is higher than 2, 4 is higher than 3 use that logic and that gets u too infinite as the highest number
2008-06-11 11:10 am
well of course theres always +2,+3..

in reality there is no real 'highest number'. there is infinity, which is not a number but a concept of never ending. if anyone ever finds a very large number, you can always add one and you get a larger number.

so anyone asks you the largest number, tell them there is no largest number, because you can always get 1 more by adding. however there is infinity showing the concept of never ending.

hope this helped. look at the link below for info on infinity.peace
2008-06-11 11:05 am
uh... i guess not. theres +2
2008-06-11 11:04 am
Sometimes it is!
2008-06-11 11:03 am
2008-06-11 11:01 am
umm i know that +2 is bigger than that...
2008-06-11 11:03 am
no highest is infinity
2008-06-11 2:42 pm
In which situation?
2008-06-11 11:11 am
infinity isnt really the highest number its just a word that means going on forever without an end. The highest number that is put in words is a googleplex. it means one with a hundred zeros put in front of it.

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