do you know that deodorant can cause breast cancer?

2008-06-10 10:28 am
Does anyone know about this? Anyone have already sign in to MAKNA foundation? What's the benefit do we get?

回答 (4)

2008-06-10 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
No link between cancer and deodorants/anti-perspirants has been proven, and evidence strongly suggests there isn't one.

The currently widely-held belief that they are linked to breast cancer is mainly down to a hoax email that has been widely circulated.

A large study in 2002 looked for links between antiperspirant use and breast cancer in 1,500 women. The researchers found that neither antiperspirants nor deodorants increased breast cancer risk.

Those who claim that deodorants/antiperspirants cause breast cancer state one of these three things as the reason

1) anti-perspirants prevent the release of toxins, which cause cancer; this is nonsense - the purpose of sweat is to cool you down, not release 'toxins', and even if sweat did release toxins, there are plenty of other areas you sweat profusely from.

2) they contain aluminium; many do but there is no strong evidence that aluminium could increase the risk of cancer

3) they contain parabens, a preservative many believe is linked to breast cancer. - There is in fact no evidence that parabens cause cancer; the concern arises from a small study in 2004 by British researchers which found traces of parabens in tissue taken from women with breast cancer. The tumours of 20 women were tested, and for obvious reasons there was no control group.

The researchers claimed the study demonstrated that if people are exposed to parabens , the chemicals will accumulate in their bodies

However, this extremely small study doesn't demonstrate a direct causal link between deodorant or antiperspirant use and developing breast cancer. A study that small cannot be regarded as proof.

There are many deodorants available without parabens and aluminium, and many people choose to use them to be on the safe side - I do myself, and did long before my breast cancer diagnosis - but there is no proof of a link with breast cancer.

These links give some facts:
2008-06-10 2:51 pm
The first answer on here is excellent.
2008-06-10 11:45 am
I heard that it was the aluminum that caused cancer, but I think it's just an old wives tale......
2014-06-24 10:18 am
I think deodorant can not causes cancer. But if you think deodorant can cause cancer, then you can use pampered pits solid deodorant which has no side effect. It is phosphates, polypropylene, glycerol and aluminum free. It has a natural flavor. Different types fragrance are available. Visit the source link for more details.

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