懷疑自己思覺失調or 焦慮症or人群恐懼症?

2008-06-11 6:59 am
already幾年的事,移居開始,friends無了 ,新環境,無依靠,好多new thing 衝擊自己硬頭皮上,plus,內向~days by days

會去邊someone scolding or cursing you(except home),i'm not sure is that real?the voices turely exsist?or just imagination?

feel anysy in public,just ordinary socialing with other or saw stranger will freak me out,even with your classmate,in most case i pretend not to show my horro on face,but what torturing in me is suffering,i have no explaination about that.i sweat,stiff,something trumbling in the cornor of my dummy.

i perfer solitude,plesed of isolation ,i feel detach with anyone i saw,i don't belong to them ,they don't belong to me,two worlds compelete,seldom few moment or person could get into the boardary of my head and ease me up.

i have constant diarrhea and gasy problem,and sometime sudden angry rise up by no reason ,and i became cynical,judgemental to people,sometime i wasn't mean it,but there were an inner pulse force me to do that,like torturing yourself deliberatively,make u feel how terible a person you are and guilt to do that,there were also an fabric truth to remind myself a lamb person i'm.

that kind of stuff suffer me a lots,making i am acompeletly diffirent person i used to be,i hate that,i hate myself,i have to reason why i have to torturing myself like this.i just want to survive and breath a free air without feeling conflicting.

can anyone help?

PS:i feel others can hear what i'm thinking ,even i keep my mouth sensitively clamped,but they can still respond to what i'm thinking,talking with group to provoke my anysy.


im so afraid,it was so unscientific but so Happening,it was terrible though that stranger or voicese belong to no one,and stranger's face could be just imagination?


i feel no one like me,like a public abandon,like this afternoon i saw doctor,after i leave the room,the doc and nurse were gossiping terrible thing about me,and when i went to salon to trip my hair someone yield on the door say i deserve it.

回答 (7)

2008-06-16 12:49 am
開了 Internet Explorer,



參考: 書名
2008-06-15 8:58 am
思覺失調即是psychosis,有hallucination和delusion,很多時亦都會有 soical withdrawn / socially disfunction、self isolation、odd feeling、poor or over sleep、poor concentration、over sensitive / suspicious、impulsive or even unable to control self
hallucination幻覺, 即是別人眼看不見、耳聽不到、皮膚感覺不到、鼻嗅不到、口中嚐不到味道,而你就感覺得到。例如你試過沒有人在身邊但聽到人聲。對你來說這些感覺全是真的!不要害怕!因為這些所有感覺都是在你腦內發生!
delusion即是妄想,e.g. delusion of reference : 你明明在陌生的環境,沒有說話,但其他人都知你事、或你腦中所想,甚至在討論關於你的事。 delusion of persecution迫害妄想症 : 覺得他人會做出傷害你的行動。
因為psychotic disorder, 很多都不能正確接收外界的訊識distortion to external world,所以你跟本不明白身邊的人想傳達什麼義思,但你可能覺得可怕、憤怒、驚恐,於是選擇逃避 或反抗。但你並不是唯一的一個! 加上你能清楚描繪your signs and symptoms, PLEASE SEEK HELP FROM A PSYCHIATRIST!!! 只要接受藥物治療,你的問題並不難處理!! BE POSITIVE! 但請記住 - 藥物治療可能須要持續一段長時間,而且會有副作用,一定要坦白跟你的精神科醫生討論。
2008-06-15 12:30 am
Your question raise many friendly echoes. Don't be too upset my friend.
I suggest:
1. you must establish your peer group in the long run. Everyone needs friends don't let yourself be too lonely.
- Your condition is not good but not worst because you ask for assistance. Therefore you are not as bad as you think.
- Professional treatment is very important. Go to see you doctor or psycho. it is not your fault nothing to be guilty of.
- In addition to the medical doctor and psych, Chinese medication is also another good tool. If you can take it, acupuncture is good to this kind of problem. I don't suggest this is the only way but they can assist.

RE: your 2008-06-10 23:35:34 補充 I guess that is the illusion inside fake you. Don't worry. If the doctor really treat you this way, they would not do this shortly after you close the door. You must keep telling yourself you must trust those worth you trust even sometimes the illusion mislead you. Have the courage. I know you can.

Being a Christian, I will pray for you.
參考: with all the best to you
2008-06-12 8:21 pm
2008-06-11 7:50 pm
自我評估: 1) 很難熟睡?? (在夜蘭人靜的時候常會回憶起別人的說話)
2) 想事情永遠都很灰??
3) 對自己失去信心, 不喜歡自己, 沒有目標做事是是但但過一日就得一日??
4) 成日都頭痛??
5) 時常覺得自己什麼都做錯了, 更會獨自流淚??
6) 不願見人, 眼看電視但腦中感覺一片空白??
7) 成日發皮氣?? 無lala 都會很生氣
8) 咩都唔想食 / 食到停唔到口成日都想食野??
以上的...如果你有6點都中了, 那你是情緒及抑鬱病.
個人意見(我本人是驚恐及抑鬱病人) 需然沒有100%康復, 醫生及心理醫生都說我有很大的進步, 所以希望幫到你:-
- 多妝辨自己, 每天看著鏡子說:[我見得下人] 令自己先對自己有信心
- 見到多人的時候我會覺得頭痛流汗及頭暈的, 所以我會要去多人的地方時候, 看多些遠景, 如天空, 商場內覺得唔舒服我會企一旁看著遠處, 深呼吸, 想多想美麗或者想買些什麼, 分散注意力.
- 看多些有關心理的書籍, 力求清楚自己發生什麼事.
- 別太在意別人對自己的看法.
- 做多些運動 (怕人多, 你可以在家做下yoka, 深呼吸合上眼睛打坐如合上眼睛會不自然, 你可以合上眼睛後想著自己個鼻)
- 多做些可以一個人完成的事, 如織冷衫
- 想生氣的時候, 你可以寫出自己的不滿 (第二天取出來自己看看)
2008-06-11 5:18 pm
First of all, you are very lonely deep inside your heart, and your sefl esteem is really low, final is you are totally lack of security.

I have been through all your stages, even worst was I 移居 by myself, no friends no family.

You have keep telling yourself that you have to love and care yourself, if you hate yourself then nobody will. You have to try to talk to your friend( if you have some good, I means good one) . Because you need to talk it out how you feel, what is your fear, etc. If you do not have good friend, maybe you can try to find the school counsellor or social workers. You need to see the psychiatrist and do some blood test. See whether you have anxiety or depression, if you are then you need to take medication.

You have to believe that you are not the only one, as long as you believed that you can be better, you can be normal as other people, you are willing to get help from others, you can live a much better life. You can do it.

Remember, do not care about what others people think, say or look. Who care ! Good Luck.
2008-06-11 7:59 am
I think you really better to find a doctor to check yourself.
Do not be ashamed to this,if you really feel confusing,this is the necessary to

First,I think that you are having a phonism since no one would blame you in the public places if you don not do some wrong things.For you are pleased to be along,it is a strange thinking way I feel.Lastly,I wonder if you are a teenager,if teenager get angry with no reason,it is quite common.

Definitely you have to find a doctor and discuss about this,although my comments are not professional,but you must admit that see doctor is the best way
to help you to solve the problem before the situation getting more seriously.
I hope you can fix your problem earlier

2008-06-11 22:40:17 補充:
The second floor is right that you must see the psychiatrist,but psychosis is not test by blood
test to ensure you have or not,the psychiatrist will ask you some question to observe
if you have psychosis instead.Don not delay any more.
參考: Myself

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