
2008-06-11 6:28 am
Which food do you like more :eastern food or western food? Why?

以上問題請用英文回答 吾可以因為好好食之類既答案


回答 (3)

2008-06-11 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Which food do you like more :eastern food or western food? Why?
For a question like this in English, I would ask like this:
Which is your favorite food, Eastern or Western (European) ? Why ?
Answer: I prefer Eastern food because they usually not that oily, besides, Eastern food cooked with different ways, such as steam, boil, fried & stew etc.
參考: Self
2008-06-12 1:05 am
I like eat western food because the meal is very yummy. I always eat eastern food so I don't eat it.
參考: me
2008-06-11 7:02 pm
Try this
I like western food better. There are a few reasons.
1. In western style of cooking, vegetables are often eaten fresh and raw. It is the best way to keep the nutrients in the vegetables. In eastern style of cooking, vegetables are often fried in oil and look little greasy.
2. Western style of food has a wider choice of staples, such as potatoes and different kinds of pastas. In the east, we eat rice as a staple for most of the time.
3. Western style of cooking often removes the tiny bones in chicken and fish to make them nice and easy to eat. Steamed fish and and chicken in Chinese style are very tasty but the diners have to take care of the tiny bone on their own. It looks bad when you spit out the bones over a dining table.
for your reference

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