唔該幫我睇睇d grammar 啱唔啱,thanks!!

2008-06-11 6:07 am
The main characters in this story is the Fox. He is a naughty boy, he oftens gets himself in trouble. One day, he was in the library, he was reading a very interesting book, he laughed and laughed, he couldn't stop laughing. At last, he was driven out by his teacher, so as his friends.

回答 (4)

2008-06-11 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The main (characters) character in this story is (the) Fox. He is a naughty boy, he (oftens) often gets himself in trouble. One day, he was in the library, he was reading a very interesting book, he laughed and laughed, he couldn't stop laughing. At last, he was driven out by his teacher, so as his friends.
Fox - no need to add "the" as it is a name
2008-06-11 11:44 am
The main character of this story is the Fox. He is naughty and often gets himself into trouble. One day, while he was in the library reading a very interesting book. He could not stop laughning, he and his friends were driven out by his teacher.
2008-06-11 7:24 am
BIG problem - you use too many 'HE' Can you use another word - connection word (e.g. and, thus) to replace it?
Fox is one of main characters in the story. He is a naughty boy so he often gets himself in trouble.
One day, he found a very interesting book in the library. The book led him to laugh and laugh again. Later, his friend and he were driven out by his teacher.
2008-06-11 6:18 am
characters - character 因為你得一個Fox

有個問題,he was driven out by his teacher, so as his friends ,我唔係好明你so as his friends,佢老師又點會so as his friends.呢?
參考: 我

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