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何時要用passive voice 呢?
有時侯, 當不需要知道主詞的真正身份 或 沒有清楚列明是誰人做的,
我們就會用passive voice , 因為讀者巳對主詞不感興趣, 甚至可以不理.
讀者對髹漆師傅是誰並不感興趣, 只想知那間屋髹好油未, 在口語中,其實不用說 the workers 亦可以, 因為說了都不知是誰髹的, 所以用passive voice 較好
Active : The workers have painted the house.
Passive: The house has been painted (by the workers).
再舉另一例: (係人都知賊是被警察捉的, 所以人們只對賊人是否被捕有興趣, 因為無人想知警員名稱, 因此, the police 可以刪去, 用passive voice較好)
Active : The police arrested the thieves.
Passive: The thieves were arrested (by the police).