初生嬰兒”打思憶”怎樣處理? 能否飲水?

2008-06-11 3:38 am
初生嬰兒"打思憶"怎樣處理? 能否飲水?

回答 (3)

2008-06-11 6:11 am
NEVER offer newborn babies water who are under 6 months.
Newborns should only drink breast milk or formula milk. It is because milk offers sufficient calories to ensure appropriate weight gain of babies and nutrients intake for growth development. If you offer water to newborns, their stomach will be filled with water and they don't drink milk after that, but the most important thing is that water offers no nutrients and calories for babies, their development for all parts of body will be strongly affected.

The second thing is that when baby is having hiccups, you should hold him straight and keep burping his back from down to up with weak force, or you can massage his back clockwise or anticlockwise until the hiccups go. Mostly hiccups can be resolved by itself without doing anything, but don't offer milk when he is having hiccup to avoid choking of milk which can cause suffocation and blockage of airway and even death!
The best way to learn burping skill is visiting Maternal Child care health centre.
2008-06-11 6:08 am
2008-06-11 4:18 am

2008-06-11 00:37:32 補充:
如果唔忍心整喊佢就比D水比佢飲,放心,D BB好叻識分水同奶,所以你唔駛擔心佢會飲好多,通常,BB都唔會飲多過10ML.
參考: 自己經驗, ME

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