
2008-06-10 10:48 pm


回答 (4)

2008-06-11 4:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2008-06-11 20:29:10 補充:
美國公司請你,你是否攞H-1?如果係,你太太及子女可以用H-4簽證.除咗你太太唔可以工作外,都係合法居民.應該可以交 in-state 嘅學費.當然要睇邊個州啦!

2008-06-15 04:47:58 補充:
上州學區制度係點我唔肯定.但民鐵吾就一定得.因為識得冇身份都讀緊high school.至於本人所住嘅德州.學校教職員去查詢學生或家長嘅移民身份,本身已干犯刑事.立此州法嘅原因係政府担心非法移民怕拉唔肯送小朋友返學.將來對社會影響更深.
2008-06-15 11:50 am
I agreed with Kiki. 自從911之後, 公校要有身份先可入讀; 如您既子女要讀就要入讀私校喇

如果您係NY, 可選擇 Francis School in Staten Island. 已經係nyc最平果間, 一年學費大概一萬美金一個人, 另加校服, 書本, 其他雜費等等

請到呢個website查詢 http://www.francisschool.com/default.asp
參考: 律師及醫生助理
2008-06-12 5:46 am


I live in upstate NY, maybe I can help. It really depends on what kind of visa you are having, I knew that some of the visas are allow the children study in public school for free, please check with your school district office for sure. Many private schools (even some public schools) are very expensive, they charge as much as a community college tuition.
After 911, all public schools require the proof of citizenship (green card or visa), proof of town/city resident (lease contract), student's birth certificate and health appraisal. Especially for the health appraisal, each state has different requirement, make sure your children have all their record ready before school started, otherwise they can not set foot on school.
Good Luck!
2008-06-11 7:14 pm
you have working visa, will your spouse come with you or stay in HK?
if your spouse stay in HK, i don't think you have enough reason to bring your daughter with you alone....?
i dont think your daughter can enter public school free, because she only has visa to stay in USA not means she has green card.

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