Task Bar

2008-06-10 9:54 pm

我嘅Desktop嘅Windows個screen底下條 "task bar" show 唔到D已開咗嘅工作視窗 ?!

條 "task bar" 和 D"捷徑" 都喺到, 無唔見,

例如開咗 : Yahoo; MSN; 其它網址 ...etc, 正常screen下面條"task bar"會見到已開咗嘅網址show晒出嚟, 但我個就無咗 !


回答 (2)

2008-06-19 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可能是Quick Launch bar長度太長, 試right-click 條 "task bar", uncheck the "Lock the task bar". 之後條 "task bar"會見到, 有直條separator, 按條separator左右移動, 減少Quick Launch bar長度,增加工作視窗bar長度.再Lock番條 "task bar".

2008-06-20 12:20:26 補充:
can you capture the screen and post it here? It may help to identify the problem. Thanks.
2008-06-21 8:08 pm
Thanks your concern it
I don't kown how to attach file to here

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