why i can't play football

2008-06-10 8:38 pm
i buy a book is about football,i read it many times,but i can't play football,why???????????

回答 (3)

2008-06-16 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because it's a football, and is not a book. Go buy a football and play it!
2008-06-20 9:40 pm
Indeed, [why i can't play football] must be WRONG
EXCEPT, ...... someone [can't play football] ONLY IF he lost his leg(s)

If you are not GOOD IN playing football, you are lack of skills, but you can practice it and make perfect in future.

2008-06-20 13:40:53 補充:
=> Perhaps, it is dangerous
=> Perhaps, you are not qualify to do so (E.G.: without leg(s) to play)
2008-06-10 8:57 pm
because you haven't practice playing the footballs
參考: me

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