Hypotheses Testing

2008-06-10 7:37 pm
做Hypotheses Testing時, 請問點樣去決定幾時用 one-tailed, 幾時用two-tailed呢

回答 (1)

2008-06-10 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當你的 alternative hypotheses 是要證明不等於 null hypotheses,那麼就要用 two-tailed test 了。這情況下,不用考慮 alternative hypotheses 是大於或小於 null hypotheses。

而 one-tailed test 是要特別指明 alternative hypotheses 是大於或是小於 null hypotheses 時用。


one-tailed test
An engineer wants to investigate whether the new adjustment improves the mechanism. For negative μ, it is worsened.
H0: μ = 0
H1: μ > 0

two-tailed test
Whether the time is altered.
在這情況下,alternative hypotheses 是要證明time是有改變的。因此:
H0: μ = 0
H1: μ 不等於 0

值得留意的是,兩者的test statistics不同的。
例如two-tailed 的5% significant level,test statistics是1.96
而one-tailed的5% significant level是1.645。
參考: Myself~~~

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