Lost of Pictures

2008-06-10 6:47 pm
I have downloaded the pictures to the PC by a card reader and have not yet
saved them.

I saw the pictures 1 by1 and suddenly there was no reaction from my PC and

I restarted the PC and downloaded the picture again but failed.

I inserted the menory card in the camera and it said "No Picture"

Since this is my first time to perform this and wish to know where all my
pictures have gone and is there any way to get them back.

Pls advise by step.

回答 (1)

2008-06-11 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
你試下o向網上搵一搵 card recovery 的軟件, 試試有冇得救先...
如果唔得, 再搵有關公司去做 data recovery, 咁就有得救....
香港好似有一間 dbtronix (http://www.dbtronix.com.hk/)做呢類工作...

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