Is it safe for a single lady to travel alone in Italy?

2008-06-10 6:20 pm
I am planning to visit Italy but many people are telling me that it is not safe to be alone in Italy especially a single lady. There are many pick-pockets in the street by the Gypsies. I want to ask if it is really dangerous or it is only a general impression of the country.

I am planning to go to Rome, Florence, Venice and Verona. I guess it is quite easy to go and I am just worried about safety.

Can I please have your advice?

回答 (3)

2008-06-15 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Of course it's safe to travel alone in Europe, just like the last 2 posters before me (not the 1st one, HE's obviously a guy - sorry!)
I travelled to some cities in TURKEY by myself after my male-friend went to Egypt to his part of the journey. It was completely safe - sure, there will always be men wanting to chat to you. It's ok to chat, just don't follow them home!!
Pick pocekts are everywhere - I had my sunglasses stolen in Copenhagen - the best city in the world!! I wasn't careful so that's why it was stolen. Keep your things close to you and never left your bags around. Always have your bag over your shoulder (that's why sometimes backpacks aren't too good) and have the zipper close to you. If you have to use a backpack, then only put maps etc. in there - keep money and passport on your body.
Gypsies are everywhere in Italy - don't give them money and they'll leave you alone - because if you start pulling coins out of your pockets, a flock of them will come running to you!!! Worse comes to worst, yell out in English 'Go away' or even in Chinese and they'll leave you (that'll get other ppl's attention as well). Never go out or stay out too late at night (by that I meant be back at your hotel by 11pm the latest!)
Have fun in Italy!

2008-06-14 20:15:54 補充:
Oh that's right - walk around with your head up like you own the city and wear old clothes. Then no-one will bother you! The Turks told me that I looked so comfortable that I don't look like a typical tourist, that's why no one bothered me...
參考: Me
2008-06-11 8:02 pm
I emphatically repeat again that it is not at all dangerous traveling in Italy. There are pick pockets around, but as long as you keep your belongings close and not speak or shake hands with gypsy/ Arabic type people and don't wonder around too quiet neighborhoods alone at night, you would be absolutely fine. This is especially true as you are traveling in the northern cities mostly, which is more industrialized and safe. The truth is there are plenty of 20 something girls from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan that go to Italy alone and travel around. I know that because I've lived there for the entire year last year, and have met quite a few.
2008-06-10 7:08 pm
i think you should go with some friends if you can .
it is because it is really not safe for a single lady to
travel alone. maybe you join the tour . it maybe safer.
but it is better to have some friends for travelling.
and it is not so lonely if you have someone to join
with you . right?

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