
2008-06-10 9:07 am

回答 (6)

2008-06-12 9:54 am

You guys are back? Is it fun? You all are very thoughtful !
2008-06-10 7:54 pm
So you are all returned from the trip, did you all have a good time? You are more than welcome.
注: 假定他們剛旅遊回來.
參考: Self
2008-06-10 3:21 pm
你們回來喇?You are all come back?
好玩嗎?Do you have a good trip?
你們實左太客氣了!You are welcome !
2008-06-10 10:22 am
你們回來喇? ===> 這是否問題???
還是, 你只是說「噢! 你們回來了!」如果系 ===> Welcome back!
如果想加強語氣 ===> Oh... Welcome back!
又如果真的是問題 「你們回來了嗎?」===> Have you come back yet?
Or,.. 你們什麼時候回來? ===>When will you come back?
(1) How was it? (or, U may write " How was your trip / holidays / vacation / journey?)
(2) Was it (指個旅程) great / fun / enjoyable?
(3) Do you enjoy it? (or, U may write "Do you enjoy the trip / holidays / vacation / journey?"

(1) So kind of you!
(2) You are welcome!
(3) How nice you are!

參考: myself.. 英文主力..
2008-06-10 10:01 am
你們回來喇?All come back?!
你們實左太客氣了!Oh you're so polite!
2008-06-10 9:25 am
你們回來喇? Do you come back?

好玩嗎? Is that great?

你們實左太客氣了!You are so welcome!
參考: 自己

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