
2008-06-10 7:06 am

回答 (7)

2008-06-10 2:25 pm
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想多過做嘅 :
I wish I would be able to experience roving once, even though it migt need to spend whole of my life.
I'm and have always wanted to experience roving once, even though it needs (or, may need) to spend whole of my life.

2008-06-10 06:26:31 補充:
• rove

(動) 流浪, 飄忽不定; 漂泊于, 漫遊於

(名) 徘徊; 環顧; 流浪#漫遊; 粗紗; 流浪 Babylon English-English

• rove

v. wander aimlessly, roam, meander; stretch and twist fibers to prepare them for spinning

n. cotton or wool fiber that has been stretched and twisted prior to being spun into yarn
參考: me, Babylon-Pro
2008-06-11 2:08 am
I dream about to have an excellent wandering trip, even if it would cost me a life time.
參考: Own
2008-06-10 8:08 pm
I long to have an ideal trip for wandering around, even if I have to use up the rest of my life.
Long to = 渴望
Wandering = 流浪
Use up = 用盡
Rest of my life = 一生的時光
參考: Self
2008-06-10 6:32 pm
My everlasting dream is to have an ideal wandering for once , even it may take the time of my whole life.
2008-06-10 3:38 pm

I have always long for a trip of wondering for my own ideals, even if it may cost the whole time of my life !
參考: Myself
2008-06-10 9:09 am
I have been thinking to be a wanderer with an ideal trip for a long time, even spending my whole life.

其實為何我會用 have been thinking. 這個tense. 因為這個是可以強烈代表從以前到現在而且還會繼續發生的. 所以這樣用.

* wanderer 解作流浪漢, 這個是我剛剛在Yahoo字典學來的. 應該是對的.
2008-06-10 8:41 am
I always want to have an ideal trip stray, even need to exhaust all of my time.
參考: memememememememememememememe

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