
2008-06-10 5:45 am
The tent split,and everything we had was sopping after the storm.
i know the meaning of this sentence,but why the two verbs are conjointed in this sentence without conjunction?(had and was),i remember my teacher teached me it is incorrect if two verbs conjointed without conjunction....

回答 (3)

2008-06-14 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
閣下是指可以吃的檬粉嗎?事實上它並沒有英文名,有的只是越南語 "Pho" 作為檬粉的英文名而已。以下是檬粉的介紹:
Pho (檬粉的越南語為 Phở,西方人也是這樣叫的) is served as a bowl of white rice noodles in clear beef broth, with thin cuts of beef (steak, fatty flank, lean flank, brisket). Variations featuring tendon, tripe, meatballs, chicken leg, chicken breast, or other chicken organs (heart, liver, etc.) are also available.
米粉:Rice vermicelli, or Rice noodles
過橋米線:Guoqiao mixian (雖則是普通話譯音,但西方人是這樣稱呼的)
河粉:"Shahe fen", or "he fen" (沒有英文名)

另外 "The tent split, and everything we had was sopping after the storm." 這句 had 和 was 連在一起是沒問題的,原因是隱藏了 that 這個連接詞在 everything 和 we 之間。即是 "The tent split, and everything that we had was sopping after the storm." That 在這句上是可有可無的。
你的老師說得正確,兩個動詞之間是需要連接詞的,但也有例外情況,好像以上的例子便是了。在英文的句子中很多時在兩個動詞之間會省略 that 這個連接詞,讓人以為文法錯誤,其實是沒錯的。例如:
All he does is stand around and try to look awesome.
猜猜這句有沒有錯?答案是沒有的。表面看來有三個動詞 "does is stand" 連在一起,但實際上隱藏了兩個 that 在此句中,即是 "All that he does is that stand around and try to look awesome." 但是習慣上這兩個 that 是不會寫出來的。


2008-06-14 00:45:15 補充:
除了 Pho 之外,由於檬粉是越南麵,因此檬粉的英文還可以這樣稱呼:Vietnamese noodles. 這樣應該可以更易使人明白的。
2008-06-10 11:20 pm
Covered with the powder ! (蒙粉)

we had ,,,,, was

參考: me
2008-06-10 7:57 am
蒙粉?唔係好知, 可能是 sweet potato noodle

everything we had = 你要當呢幾字加埋係個一組名詞or 係一個subject , 跟住 is/ am/ are 講番前面嗰舊係什麽

What I have just said was xxxxxx

Somethings we always believe in are not actually the truth.

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