F.3 phy,,,final temperature of mixture///

2008-06-10 5:27 am
Ice cubes of 25g at 0oC are dropped into a breaker containing 250g of water at 30oC . What is the final temperature of the mixture? Assume no energy is lost to the surroundings.

as theyre both water...do we need to involve the mass?

回答 (2)

2008-06-10 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案

energy lost by water = energy gain by ice

mc△T of water= (mc△T + ml) of ice
0.25x4200x(30-T) = 0.025x4200x(T-0) + 0.025x3.34x10^5
31500 - 1050T = 105T + 8350
1155T = 23150
T= 20.04oC

It will become 20.04oC of water
參考: me
2008-06-10 6:03 am
the equation :
the energy lost by the 250g water = the energy absorded by the 25g ice cubes
0.25 (4200) (30 -- t) = 0.025 (3.34 X 10^5) + 0.025(4200)t
--1050t + 31500 = 8350 + 105t
t = -20.04 degree centigrade
It means the fusion of ice cubes is not complete.

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