F.3 phy,,,about heat capacity!

2008-06-10 4:04 am

the most important thing is teaching me how to answer (d),,
i really dun know!!
i think it over and over again...still,,,dunno!!

for (d),,the answer is wrong,,
but why?!?
i think it should be true!

回答 (2)

2008-06-10 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
c)the temperature of the boiling is 100*c (normally)
so the metal block is also 100*c
let the specific heat capacity of metal is A*c^-1kg^-1 J
the water gain energy=the metal loss energy
A=381*c^-1 kg^-1 J
the specific heat capacity of metal is 381*c^-1 kg^-1 J
d. How to measure specific heat capacity??
SHC=(the energy loss to the water)/(mass of the metal X the changing of temperature of the metal)
now,the mass and the changing of temperature is a constant..
then..if there is some energy lost to the surroundings..that means the energy that remain in the metal is lower...
if the energy that remain in the metal is lower..the energy loss to the water by the metal is also lower..
so the SHC will be lower not higher if the student is ture
so he is wrong

2008-06-11 10:24:56 補充:
打得中文應該早d講 - -
why有temperature change??
就係因為兩者有temperature的差別先會有temperature change
咁2度的1kg 就有2x4200x1=8400J
當兩者mix 埋..能量就互相分均..到最後溫度相等..

2008-06-11 10:28:56 補充:
但假設2度那杯水..LOST 咗4200j to surrounding..
而loss 去0度杯水就有2100j(比4200細咗)..
wow..原來the changing of temperature of the 2度的水都會增大(由1度-->1.5度)
2008-06-10 6:49 am
The explanation was wrong for sure. Consider the situation:
When the metal block was taken out from the hot water, assuming heat loss to the surroundings, made the metal block cooler than it was in the beaker. Eventually the final temperature of water in the cup measured was lower than expected and the calculated specific heat capacity was lower than the true value, not higher.
There are other possible explanations for a specific heat capacity higher than the true value, for example, the metal block was not dry during the transfer and some hot water was transferred to the cup.

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