Phrasal verb

2008-06-10 3:45 am
1.turn away-(i) do not allow someone to enter a place/a country
-(ii) refuse to help
2.turn down-(i) to refuse an offer
-(ii) to reduce loudness
3.turn up-(i) to arrive (unexpectedly)
-(ii) to increase volume
4.turn on-(i) to switch on
-(ii) to attack
5.turn off-(i) to stop sound, heat or water being producedby adjusting the controls
-(ii) to lose interest in something
6.turn over-(i) to move it so that the top part is now facing downwards
-(ii) bring a criminal to the police
7.give (somebody) away ---lead the bride to the bridegroom
8.give (something) away ---give something free of charge
9.give away--- betray somebody
10.give in---hand over something to somebody
---to be defected or overcome by something or somebody
11.give out ---come to an end
---be exhausted
---send out or deliver something
12.give up ---abandon an attempt to do something
---decide not to do something any longer


回答 (1)

2008-06-10 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.turn away-(i) do not allow someone to enter a place/a country 禁止某人入境某國或進入某地
-(ii) refuse to help 拒絕幫忙

2.turn down-(i) to refuse an offer 回絕某職位或條件
-(ii) to reduce loudness 降低音量

3.turn up-(i) to arrive (unexpectedly) 沒預期地到達
-(ii) to increase volume 提高音量

4.turn on-(i) to switch on 開 (用於有按制的電器等 e.g. turn on the radio)
-(ii) to attack 攻擊

5.turn off-(i) to stop sound, heat or water being producedby adjusting the controls 關 (控制開關制來關閉聲音, 熱力, 水源等 e.g. turn off the television)
-(ii) to lose interest in something 對某件事失去興趣

6.turn over-(i) to move it so that the top part is now facing downwards 反轉某物件 (由表面反到底面 或從底面到表面)
-(ii) bring a criminal to the police 帶罪犯給警方

7.give (somebody) away ---lead the bride to the bridegroom 把新娘帶到新娘房

8.give (something) away ---give something free of charge 把某物件免費送出

9.give away--- betray somebody 背叛

10.give in---hand over something to somebody 把某物件給別人
---to be defected or overcome by something or somebody 放棄 被某事物擊倒

11.give out ---come to an end 終結
---be exhausted 虛脫
---send out or deliver something 送出或傳遞某物件
12.give up ---abandon an attempt to do something 放棄嘗試
---decide not to do something any longer 決定不再做某事

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