
2008-06-10 3:44 am
中翻英 : 在路途上會有起伏,但不會很波折。

訂正 : On the road will be difficult.
But you be not lonely.
You will happiness, because have many people with you.

回答 (5)

2008-06-10 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The course of true love never did run smooth(真誠的愛情之路不會是平坦的).(Shakespeare)
模仿上句,可譯為 :
The course of life never did run very smooth but went up and down.

2008-06-10 12:00:54 補充:
You will be faced with a lot of difficulties in the course of your life but you are not lonely and would feel happy with many friends around you .
2008-06-10 8:23 pm
You'll find some dificulities along the trip, but not serious.
2) On the road will be difficult. But you be not lonely.
There are dificulities on the road, but you're not alone.
3) You will happiness, because have many people with you.
You'll be happy to know that many people are (agreed) with you.
參考: Self
2008-06-10 6:56 am

It is true that there are ups and downs along the path, yet it is also true that there are not many twists and turns at all.


On the road will be difficult.
But you be not lonely.
You will happiness, because have many people with you.

[Simple corrections]
The road will be difficult, but you are not alone. You will be happy, because you have many friends with you.

It may be tough to going through the road, yet never forget that you are not alone. You will be filled with happiness, as long as your friends accompany you.

2008-06-13 19:46:53 補充:
to going through the road
to GO through the road

Silly mistake...
參考: moi, hope it helps=]]
2008-06-10 4:18 am
oh...有點難, 以下是我現在的英文程度下解答你. 我是不太懂用難字的...

1. 中: 在路途上會有起伏,但不會很波折。
English: There is not smooth on the way, but it is not so terrible.

2. 訂正 :

As you know, for everything you are not easy to make it. Sometimes you feel upset, you feel lonely, but just keep it in mind. You should be happiness at any time because you have people support you.
(如你知道, 對於所有東西, 你都不是很容易就可以取得成功, 有時你會感到不愉快, 感到孤單, 但請記著, 你應該開心, 因為所有人都在支持著你)
2008-06-10 4:12 am
The correct way in writing is:

You will encounter difficulties on the road but you are not lonely. You should be happy as you have many friends around you.

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