Physics: Power

2008-06-10 2:40 am
A bicyclist coasts down a 7.0 degree hill at steady speed of 5.0m/s. Assuming a total mass of 75kg (bicycle plus rider), what must be the cyclist's power output to climb the same hill at the same speed?

我想問呢 點解downward journey o個時 冇mgsin theta 但係上去先至有既?? 解答埋我依題就可以拿最佳解答的了!

回答 (2)

2008-06-10 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Q is solved as follows:


2008-06-09 19:36:25 補充:
I have added in some more explanation, plx press reload to view it.

2008-06-10 13:13:46 補充:
mgsin theta就係個weight component down the slope嚟嘅, 上去同落去都有。

2008-06-10 13:20:05 補充:
已經再改咗圖解釋, 再有問題歡迎提出。
參考: My Phy Knowledge
2008-06-10 3:10 am
我都唔知岩唔岩= =
先睇down the slope,
畫個力圖出黎, 見到有Wsin7 and f(friction)兩個相反方向horizontal force,
因為constant speed, so net force = 0

Wsin7 - f = 0
f = 750sin7

再睇up the slope,
畫個力圖出黎, 見到有兩個向下horizontal force(同上slope唔同!), Wsin7, f
要向上ride constant speed 5m/s, 即要against果兩個force.
因net force = 0,
我地可以use 呢條formula, P = Fv
power output by bicyclist = (force given by rider to against the 2forces)(5m/s)
= (Wsin7+f)(5)
= (750sin7x2)(5)
= 914W
參考: myself

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