
2008-06-10 2:32 am
1/ 如果,我估計恆指會出現一個中型的升浪或跌浪,買賣牛熊證方面應該採取什麼投資策略呢?????

2/ 牛熊證是否只適用炒短線????

3/ 中型的升浪或跌浪,可以投資牛熊證嗎?????

4/ 若可,收回價方面應該距離現貨多少比較恰當?????

5/ 到期日用多少個月比較好呢?????

p.s. 請不要答上升買牛證,跌市買熊證的廢話,唔該........


yoki sir 你看到我的問題,就請幫忙吧!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-06-16 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Just make sure you don't play too much on 牛熊證 ("CBBC") unless you are very experienced. With volatile market conditions these days, a 500-1000 points rise or drop can be achieved within half a day, and your CBBC can already earn double or dead! Make sure you have enough expereicen, before playing large, especially those near to 'death or suspension point'.

2) In general, only short trade, and in these days, not suitable hold more than 3-5 days.

3) suitable very short term

4) for HSI, desirable to have 1000 points away, as just in case, you want to allow yourself able to sell before it reach death point.

5) Doesn't matter, if have 45-60 days at least will be good.

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