
2008-06-10 1:15 am
是Simple future tense(詳解,唔要一兩句算呀)
Present continuous tense(詳解,唔要一兩句算呀)
Be going to(詳解,唔要一兩句算呀)
Simple past tense(詳解,唔要一兩句算呀)



回答 (5)

2008-06-10 2:55 am
Simple future tense is talking about the things that you will do in the future.
next week, tomorrow, in an hour, etc, are the common words for simple future tense.
e.g. I will go to China tomorrow. (I am going to China in the future.)

Present continuous tense is talking about the things you are doing in this moment.
now, at the moment, etc, are the common words for present continuous tense.
e.g I am swimming now. (I am swimming in this moment.)

Be going to is type of present continuous tense but it is talking about the planning of someone in the future.
e.g. I am going to school next morning. (I will go to school in the future in planning.)

Simple past tense is talking about the things that you did in the past.
last week, yesterday, just now are the common words for simple past tense.
e.g. He finished his test two days ago. (He finished his test in the past.)
2008-06-10 2:11 am
1. Simple future tense(將來式)
shall( I or we)/will( I,he,she,it,they) + root form of the verb.

e.g. I shall go to school tomorrow.

Be going to 都可以係將來式
am(I) / are(you,we,they) / is(he,she,it) going to

e.g. I am going to school tommorrow( planned by you, very likely to happen,80%-90%)

2. Present continuous tense(現在進行式)
a-Action at that moment
b-Action in picture/photo
c-Changes(from the past to present moment)
d-Talk about future plan soon

example for (A): I am eating.
example for (B): The monkey in the picture is falling from the tree.
example for (C): Hong Kong is becoming an internationl city.
example for (D): I am going to take the exam.

3. Be going to
我學過的有 (A)was/were + going to + verb
(B)is/am/are + going to + verb
(C)will be + going to + verb

(A) I was going to be wet if you did not push me away when the girl on the roof poured some water down.
(B) I am going to be wet if you do not push me away when the girl on the roof poured some water down.(只係變左present tense)
- you will doing something in a time in the future(在將來的某一個或一段時間做一樣野的意思。)

e.g. I will be going to school tomorrow at half past seven.

4. Past tense(過去式)
(A)-Action happened at a specific time in the past
(B)-Several actions happened one after another in the past

(A1) e.g. He died in 1991.( specific time = 1991)
其實也可以刪去時間,不過無人知係幾時,只係過去。Grammar 亦都OK
(A2) e.g. He died.

(B) e.g. I woke up and then I changed my clothes. I brushed my teeth. After, I ate my breakfast with my parents. Finally, I got on a bus.
參考: My own notes from school and myself
2008-06-10 1:47 am
Simple future tense:
1 what we think will happen in the future
2 plans we are making while we speak

Be going to:
1 what we think happen quite soon(when we are sure about it)
2 plans we have already made

Present continuous tense:
1 talk about what is happening right now
2 talk about temporary situations
3 describe photographs and pictures

Simple past tense:
Talk about things that happened in the past and are now finished
2008-06-10 1:23 am
Simple future tense= will do, will go(+will and 單字)
Present continuous tense=were + -ing , was+ -ing
Be going to= 個be係等於are,is.Going to 接著
Simple past tense=go的past tense是went,see的past tense是saw
2008-06-10 1:21 am
I will eat the food.

I eat the food.

I am going to eat the food.

I went the park yesterday.
參考: me

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