chem aboute electrolyte in the chemical cell

2008-06-09 11:15 pm
其實係chemical cell中
係咪electric current pass through??/

salt bridge有咩用/

仲有chemical cell中,
hydrogen is given out, 其實有咩唔好/???


咁其實ions pass through= electric current/?? 只係唔可以係考試咁答electric current? salt bridge- sodium chloride beaker A zinc sulphate beaker B copper(II) sulphate 之後書話 chloride ion flow into beaker A sodium ion flow into beaker B 點解既 係咪一定chloride ion/sodium ion flow into beaker A/B respectively?


Hydrogen gas 但書係話 會derease voltage, later reaction will stop. 姐點??? SOR 太多問題問 就快exam 想搞清楚d concept

回答 (1)

2008-06-09 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Electrolyte 嘅作用係提供 a pathway 讓 ions to pass through, 千祈咪答 electric current, 即死!
Salt bridge 嘅作用係提供 a pathway 讓 ions to pass through, 達到 balance the charges in the 2 beakers 嘅目的.
Hydrogen gas 在一個密封的 chemical cell 中 given out, 會迫爆個 cell (此乃所謂的爆炸).

2008-06-10 18:54:19 補充:
Electric current / electricity 表示 electron flow, 但 electron 只能在 metal 內行, 不能游水.

2008-06-10 18:54:31 補充:
因為 beaker A 條 Zn 溶咗, 產生 metal ions (positive charge), 所以 chloride ion (negative charge) flow into beaker A. Similarly, copper(II) ions accepted electrons. They (positive charge)are consumed. Beaker B becomes negative. 所以 sodium ion flow into beaker B 補充 positive charges.

2008-06-10 18:54:40 補充:
Oh, sorry. 太耐冇讀書^_^, the book is right. Electrons cannot pass through gas. 所以 hydrogen bubbles 會阻住通電, that's why the voltage drops.

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