急!!! 英文問題who I am定who am i?

2008-06-09 10:56 pm
Tom asked to me,'Do you know who I am?'
Tom asked to me,'Do you know who am I?'

回答 (9)

2008-06-15 6:48 am
Do you know who is she?? MUST correct.
Do you know who she is? wrong.

Do You know who am I? correct
Do you know who I am? wrong
2008-06-14 11:19 pm
'Do you know who I am?" - correct
This is a question itself. Just like :Tom ask ed you,"Do you know me?" But this time he added a clause 'who I am' at the back instead of 'me'. "who I am' here is an adverb clause modifying the verb 'know' but not another question in the main question.
參考: for your reference
2008-06-10 4:31 am
我在這裡不是求分數的, 而是支持 007 的解答者. 真的不敢相信為何在上面的人都錯用了...

do you know who am i , 這一句是絕對錯的, 只有do you know who i am 先岩.

如 007 所說, 把do you know 摒除的話, 那就是 who am i 了.

1. do you know i am a boy?
2. you know i am a boy?
3. do you know where you are going? 而不是 do you know where are you going?
4. do you know where your class is? 而不是 do you know where is your class?
5. i forgot where i put my pen? 而不是 i forgot where do i put my pen?

還有很多很多, 慢慢學啦. 都是那句, 看得多就明, 之後自己都會用架啦.


2008-06-09 20:35:18 補充:
不好意思呀, 第5句例子手快快打了?
其實只不過是普通到唔普通既直術句. 即是
5. i forgot where i put my pen. 而不是 i forgot where do i put my pen.
2008-06-10 12:00 am
This is an indirect question (a.k.a reported speech). YOU MUST use [Do you know who I am?]!!!!!

If you change it to direct speech, you will have to drop [do you know]. In this case, the correct answer is [Who am I?].

* I just cant believe all of you have got it wrong. I dont mean to insult any of you or anything, but this is just a very simple grammar usage thing I learnt from primary school or junior high school. (perhaps you ppl just forgot about it)

Check out this website for revision on reported speech, I just google it awhile ago

2008-06-09 16:06:09 補充:
oh, i mean the second one, [Do you know who am I] is wrong. DEFINITELY WRONG
2008-06-09 11:41 pm
2008-06-09 11:07 pm
'Do you know who am I?' = 對
參考: ME
2008-06-09 11:02 pm
'Do you know who I am?' correct
'Do you know who am I?' wrong...

I am not reaally sure, but I think may be both of them re correct... xd
2008-06-09 11:00 pm
Do you know who am I?
參考: me
2008-06-09 10:59 pm
'Do you know who am I對'Do you know who I am錯

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