
2008-06-09 9:40 pm
我想問下Simple Present,Present Continuous,Simple Past,Present Perfect係點用。幫我舉d例子...

回答 (1)

2008-06-09 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple Present
1.the sun rises in the east(fact)
2.I turn on the fan now (short action)
Present Continuous
現在進行式,講一d現在發生緊的事情,即持續性;或一些將來會做的事,這與future tense有些分別,這是較肯定的
I am bathing now (long action)
I am going to join the party .Compare with [I will join the party],前者的語氣較肯定,即較大機會出席party
Simple Past
過去式,描述過去的動作(短動作),又或作reported speech
1. I closed the windows 1 hour ago.
2.轉述句:Peter said he saw Mary;比較直述句:Peter says,"I see Mary."
Present Perfect
1.強調已經完成 e.g.I have already finished my homework.
2.第一次發生的事情 e.g. It is the first time I have been to Italy.
3.以前發生,但現在仍有影響性 e.g. I have lived in Hong Kong for 10 years. [用這時態時表示現在未必仍住在hk,若你肯定現在還住在hk,則用present perfect continuous tense]
e.g. I have been lived in HK for 10 years.

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