點樣可以 review/update job analysis?

2008-06-09 4:41 pm
有咩 process 可以不斷 review 同 update 已經 develop 左既 job analysis?
(A process to be used in the future for periodically reviewing and updating these new job descriptions )

書又搵唔到,上網又搵唔到~ 好趕住要~唔該晒 >"<

回答 (1)

2008-06-09 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have to interview the job holders and ask them questions to see if there is any difference between the developed job description and the job that they are actually peforming. You may have to focus on the following aspects.

(1) requirements
(2) experience
(3) problem solving
(4) decision making
(5) accountabilities (e.g. financial authority)
(6) physical demand
(7) working conditions

Before you interview the job holders, you have to prepare a list of questions (or a quesionnaire) covering the above.

2008-06-09 14:20:58 補充:
sorry, typing mistake. should be QUESTIONNAIRE not quesionnaire

2008-06-10 13:41:11 補充:
Thank you very much for your feedback.

When you have found some discrepancies, you have to discuss with the supervisor of the job holder whether such discrepancies in fact exist. Then you have to document them and update the previously developed job descriptions as appropriate.

2008-06-10 13:41:45 補充:
You have to repeat this process from time to time. However, this will be very time-consuming. Being a manager, he/she has to decide how often the organization has to review job descriptions.

You are welcome to ask again if you have further questions.

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