can't register facebook

2008-06-09 12:36 pm
I used my emil to register,but everytime it showed "Sorry, you are ineligible to sign up for Facebook" but it didn't state the reason. I tried to register another emil account, it still showed this sentance. I tried to use another computers but still couldn't join facebook!!!!!! Ar.......................... anyone can't help me

回答 (2)

2008-06-09 2:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你個名要佢覺得係真名年紀唔可以太細, 你要大過13
2008-06-09 6:09 pm
maybe your user name someone has been using so try to use another user name and your age needed to be 18 years old then maybe they will give u to use facebook

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