英文: SHOT

2008-06-09 8:46 am
1) Give it a good shot

2) Not by a long shot

回答 (3)

2008-06-09 2:42 pm
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These terms are idoims originated from basketball games. Another saying is it comes from archery.

1. Give it a good shot. It means trying your best to shot the ball into the basket. In daily conversation, it means trying your best to do something, and hoping that you are lucky and will get good result.
A: The exam tomorrow is so hard, I don't know if I can pass.
B: Well, just give it a good shot! What is there to lose?

There are a lot of good canditates interviewing for the position but I am preparing hard to give it a good shot.

2. Not by a long shot. It means that the position you stand at the basketball is so far that even a good player throwing a long shot will not get the ball into the basket. the term comes to mean Not a Chance, impossible, no matter how you look at it. Extremely difficult to win or accomplish something.

A: You think she will get the job?
B: No way, not by a long shot!

She won't win that tennis match, not by a long shot.
2008-06-09 9:47 am

2008-06-09 9:04 am
1) good try

2) it is unlikely to be successful

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