英文問題~~~~呢句 句 子有冇問題 ??

2008-06-09 8:12 am
我想問下 l am loving my parents.

呢句 句 子有冇問題 ??


另外想問下我就考eng oral
我有d咩要注意 同埋可以溫d咩野~~

回答 (3)

2008-06-09 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
有, 絕對有問題. 問題係,

乜你對父母的愛是有時限的嗎? 為何要是進行式. 緊係用現在式啦.
i love my parents.

我離開學校好耐lu...不過如果你知道自己唔多ok既話就盡量表現積極同主動. 咁樣比考官睇到印象分都好d啦.

一時間你都唔可以狂操架啦. 要操既, 就操
1. i agree.
2. i disagree.
3. i don't think so.
2008-06-09 8:44 am
Normally we say "I love my parents", this means you always love your parents.

"am" + "ing" is present continuous tense, more for an action what you're doing "now". Cannot say "I am loving my parents" this sentense is wrong. It's more suitable if you want to emphais that you are loving them now and may not love them in the past.

When you're taking the eng oral exam, be more cheerful and nice to your examimer. Also, it's not a must to speak fastly. Speak fast doesn't mean your English is good, speak slowly and clear is more important.

Take it easy and good luck to you. :)
2008-06-09 8:39 am
不過好少用,正常係 I love my parents.
而I am loving my parents 可以用黎強調呢一刻你的表達.

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