✔ 最佳答案
My distinguishing characteristics are energetically designing, photographing, illustrating or graphics use of the computer and so on. Because of arts and designs, also I shall concentrate on them all the time for my abounding lifestyle.
I speak to meself, however I must select the arts design. when I was still very young, I am interesting in the art. going to the arts class, understanding how can I learn to draw the sketchs and do the handicrafts. Then I am constantly caring about the information of the arts, if I really would like to obtain an art knowledge more; for certainly that entrance into this school is essential to make it! In addition; I would like to improve my skills in the creations of the designs. Actually I had a hope for a thorough course in arts.
In future, I would like to do something such as designing and drawing; indeed, I will believe that is the best decision to do and the finest uplift of my technics and knowledge while entering this school.
有些是我補充進去的,主要是讓英文句子更強調你有企圖心想要進入這個學校~不過這些都還是看你是否有需要用到! 有些藝術類的專有名詞如有錯誤請多包涵嚕^^