Obama vs. McCain.?

2008-06-09 6:45 am
What are each of the candidates promising they will change if they serve in office?
Who are you voting for and why are you voting for who your voting for?

Please no ignorant answers. Thanks.

回答 (11)

2008-06-09 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
What OBAMA will do:
(1) He will make sure everyone has healthcare by ensuring that costs are lowered drastically. Contrary to popular conjecture, you CAN choose your own doctor with his plan.
(2) He will bring us out of Iraq within 16 months of his inauguration.
(3) He will bring the economy back up. There will no longer be tax cuts for the wealthy; instead, tax cuts will be offered to those who actually need them!
-->These are the main things that I think are most important. To see more, visit his website at http://www.barackobama.com/issues/

What will McCain do? Give tax cuts to the wealthy, who don't need them. Keep us in Iraq for 100 years. Terrible things.

Stop the drama, vote Obama!!

OBAMA '08!
2008-06-09 1:55 pm
Well I know Obama is proposing to change a lot--

He wants to get the troops out of Iraq, he wants to roll back the Bush tax cuts, would like to combat global warming (with a cap and trade system, while the Bush administartion hasn't really done much for the enviornment), he wants to use a diplomatic way to deal with our enemies (while Bush and his advisors have used intimidation and military might), and he would like to end the more brutal parts of the Patriot Act too (the ones that can be seen as unconstitutional- which I believe they are).

McCain won't change much...I think he will end torture and help fight global warming. I also think he may bring ethics reform (something that Obama would bring too). However, based on what I read (I read about his policies while trying to decide which candidate to pick, and I read through all the major candidates, and this was in Jan) he will use many of the same things that Bush has used. He will also call for stem cell research (Obama supports this too), but really much will remain the same. He has the same immigration policy as Bush, supports the tax cuts on the rich and making the tax cuts pernament, and continuing the war in Iraq. He also will be aggressive in his approach to Iran and joked about bombing it before.

I'm supporting Obama because I believe in his policies. I also think he can make a difference. He will help make this economy better, roll back the inefficient tax cuts, and restore America's image with diplomacy. I respect McCain and am full of respect for his military service as well, he's also a very intelligent man (like Obama- who is intelligent as well). But he is too conservative for me and I don't want to see a continuation of Bush policies.

Just my thoughts. Sorry if they sounded biased, they're just my opinions and I have looked at policies proposed by McCain, Obama. :).
2008-06-09 1:51 pm
OBAMA 08'. McCain has already said that America is in great shape and he loves Bushs policies. He is probly rolling over dead any moment now.
2008-06-09 1:57 pm
I'm voting for Obama for three main reasons: foreign policy, health care, and the economy.

In terms of foreign policy, Obama seems to have a much better idea of what the world is like today, while McCain keeps making remarks that harken back to the 60s and 70s when the world was a very different place. We no longer live in an age where we are the only stand-alone superpower, nor do we live in a Cold War-esque era where it's strictly "us vs. them." We have to learn to work with other countries, even the ones we don't like that much. Some of McCain's remarks scare me, like suggesting Iran is similar to the Soviet Union.

In terms of health care, I like Obama's plan best of any of the candidates (including Clinton). I prefer it because it involves universally insuring children, who do not have the ability to care for themselves, but it gives adults the option to choose not to buy health insurance if they don't want to/can't pay. It also incorporates cost-cutting measures and employer requirements to make health insurance more affordable for everyone...at least a little bit.

On the economy, I honestly don't know much about Obama's stances, but I know the Republicans have been failing. A whole slew of little-known legislation, such as the bankruptcy bill making it almost impossible for small businesses to file or the failure to address the subprime mortgage crisis, makes me extremely distrustful of the Republicans right now. I don't know if Obama will do much better, but I'm sick of watching the Republicans veto legislation that would help the middle and lower classes.
2008-06-09 1:48 pm
There is no change with McCain. McCain is Bush three any way you look at it. McCain will keep Bush's fail economy package, McCain will keep Bush's failed invasion, McCain will push all of Bush's policies. McCain has only reach across to the other side three times in 28 years and that's just like Bush.
2008-06-09 2:04 pm
2008-06-09 1:55 pm
I will vote for senator John McCain because he has more experience . Senator Clinton already said Obama does not have what it takes to be a Commander in Chief. She's right.
2008-06-09 1:55 pm
There is a great big difference between promising change and trying to enact a dangerous radical change that will blister this country. Also, there is a difference between talking change in pretty speeches and actually doing something as Hillary so often reminded us. Obama may be touting change but his proposals first of all will never pass in the Congress. I am always enamoured at how Obama says all these things. How the heck is he going to do anything? This is a gridlock democracy where everything is hard to accomplish. Therefore, McCain is a better choice because he is more moderate and does not have his head over the clouds. The president only has so much power and is not almighty as Obama may suggest through his empty speeches of superfluous promises.
2008-06-10 5:12 am
2008-06-09 1:59 pm
Neither stand for any change that I know of. "Change" is a meaningless catchphrase in political campaigns. Everything will stay the same no matter who is voted for. "Change" has been catchphrase all the way back to Quincy Adams.

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