19 year old female with lower back pain?

2008-06-08 3:59 pm
i have had pain in my lower back since yesterday morning, it doesnt hurt if trying to bend foreward, it hurts more when i try and straighten it. i also get shooting pains down my bum when i try and move. any ideas what could be wrong? thank you

Forgot to say I exercise quite frequently, and had an army medical less than 2 years ago that said i was in perfect health.

回答 (8)

2008-06-08 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had this same problem, i am a 19 year old male, i also exercise frequently.

I would hazard a guess that you have pulled a muscle in that area, if the pain is uncomfortable to the point you cannot handle it then go and see a doctor, do not attempt any exercise until then or you risk making it worse.

If you have indeed done damage to your lower back to the point where your muscles are spasming or have tightened then the doctor may be able to prescribe you with a muscle relaxant such as diazepan(spelling may be off), i was on this medication for muscle spasm's for about a week, the only downside to it is it makes you incredibly dozy.

The fact you have had this pain since the morning suggests to me that you damaged your muscle the day before and have woken up with it possibly where it may have tightened during the night.

Hope this helps you.

For future reference consider doing some stretches that work on your lower back, if you are a member of a gym then they should be able to offer some guidance on which ones to do, doing this will limit your chance of injury in future.
2008-06-08 4:29 pm
If you have had a previous back injury, that could be the cause. Or maybe you just strained your lower back? I know my Father infrequently had similar symptoms just "out of the blue." The muscles may be tight and are putting pressure on the nerves causing the shooting pains down your bum. I would suggest you take some ibuprofen, aspirin or tylenol; and try either an ice pack or heating pad on your lower back. Sometimes an ice pack works best on my lower back, and other times a heating pad does. Even some mild back exercises may help. Check out these links:
If you are not better in a day or two, then I suggest you see your doctor.
2008-06-08 4:03 pm
Visit doctor.

And in the future, make sure you keep a good posture.
Hard yes, but just do it.
Try swimming, they make ur back better&stronger.
If you dont like swimming, i suggest yoga.
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2008-06-08 8:49 pm
If you develop front abdominal pain it could possibly lead to your kidneys. If its just developed so how it goes for a while, but if it turns into a dull achey pain you could possibly have scoliosis (a bend in the spine- easily fixed with physio)

see how you go and if it gets worse i would suggest a trip to the doc's

heads up - I'm only 15, but im a science geek cos' i love it, but i may be wrong in what ive said.
2008-06-08 5:06 pm
ice packs are good because they cool down the inflamation vs. heat pack that they don't reduce it.
Take some aleve or any ibuprofen tablets to help. Also try to extend and stretch your spine nice and slow, or see a chiropractor. It worked for me. Be well.
2008-06-08 4:38 pm
You could have had a pinched nerve on your lower spine, or a sprained muscle on your lower back. Massage therapy might help. It would help to know what kind of physical activity you have been engaging in just prior to your back pain.
2008-06-08 4:19 pm
i too had that prob.avoid using pointed heel.Sometimes if yr calcium level goes down also u might get pain.avoid long distance travel if yr using 2wheeler.
2008-06-08 4:07 pm

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