
2008-06-09 5:40 am
觀塘附近有冇花店? Tuesday is my mother in law birthday, should i buy her a bunch of roses? Or what else will you suggest to buy her as the birthday gift? I have already ordered 2 lbs Tiramisu cake at cova cake shop since she invites 15 guests to my house for dinner on tuesday. My mother in law is about 60 years old and she is an old fashion style lady. Please advise, thanks.

回答 (3)

2008-06-09 9:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
水晶花屋 花店
Crystal Florist

電話: 23421950 傳真: -- 地址: 觀塘 觀塘廣場

四季棧 花店
Four Seasons

電話: 27922890 傳真: 27922684 地址: 觀塘 創富中心

花遊 花店
Hana Asobi
電話: 24244188 傳真: -- 地址: 觀塘 開源道75

雅歌花廊 花店
Song Of Solomon Florist The
電話: 27631055 傳真: -- 地址: 觀塘 觀塘廣場

2008-06-09 13:10:25 補充:
2014-07-05 1:00 am
毛毛花店--Momo Florist

電話: 3996 9067
網址: http://momofloristhk.com/

2012-01-17 1:58 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:46:46
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