When同 while有咩唔同 Fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-06-09 1:04 am
When同 while有咩唔同 FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-06-09 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
When, While


(1)“When”, “while” 解作「當‥‥‥時」,放在句首時,緊記用逗號把兩句句子連接。

When …, ...


... when ...
... while ...


(1)當一個動作進行時,突然有另一個動作發生,我們便用”when”, “while”來表示那持續時間較長的動作。


A bird flew into the house while/ when I was opening the door.


Paul is /was laughing while Mary is /was talking.

The baby _____________ (cry) while the mother was talking to her friends.
The baby was crying/cried while the mother was talking to her friends.

When the students were doing the test, the bell______ (ring).
When the students were doing the test, the bell rang.

When we were swimming, the rain______ (begin).
When we were swimming, the rain began.

He broke his leg when he __________ (climb) the slope.
He broke his leg when he was climbing the slope.

While Michael __________ (wash) the fish, Sam was frying the vegetables.
While Michael was washing the fish, Sam was frying the vegetables.
參考: grammar dictionary
2008-06-09 1:13 am
As I know,

When之後係用present tense or past tense.
While 之後係用past continues tense.
參考: 書(Grammar)

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