
2008-06-09 12:05 am
某公司的電話查詢來電次數是服從卜瓦松分配(Poisson distribution),平均每半分鐘兩次來電。

(a) 若要服從「卜瓦松分配」,必須滿足什麼假設條件?


(c) 在30秒內有少於3個來電的機率是多少? (3分)

回答 (2)

2008-06-09 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) A Poisson distribution makes the following assumptions:
1) Events must be independent of each other, i.e. occurrence of A does not alter the probability that B occurs.
2) We can always divide the "time line" of events in such a way that any segment contains no more than one occurrence. For example, in counting the number of accidents on a highway over a period of time, we assume that we can divide time into very fine segment (e.g. 1 nanosecond) such that no two accidents occur in that any 1 nanosecond interval.
3) Probability must increase as the interval concerned is made wider.

(b) λ= nθ= 2 per 30 seconds.
P(X = 4) = Poisson(4, 2) = 24*e-2/4! = 0.0902 or 9.02%.

(c) P(X < 3)
= Poisson(0,2)+Poisson(1,2)+Poisson(2,2)
= 20*e-2/0! + 21*e-2/1! + 22*e-2/2!
= 5e-2
= 0.6767 or 67.67%.

Hope this helps!
2008-06-09 2:29 am

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