chem electrolysis of metal

2008-06-08 11:09 pm
我想問點解electrolysis of potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium用佢地既
molten choride..但係aluminium 用佢既molten oxide>?

同埋eletrolysis of potassium,,係cathode 有邊兩隻cation>?anode有邊兩隻anion?

回答 (3)

2008-06-09 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
do you mean that you want to get potassium , sodium ,
calcium and magnesium from its metal chloride?
because the above molten chlorides can conduct electricity.
but molten aluminium chloride cannot.
it has some covalent character. so we must use aluminium
oxide to get aluminium metal.
potassium ion will move to the cathode.
chloride ion will move to the anode.
2008-06-09 10:57 am
The melting points of metal chlorides are in general lower than those of metal oxides. Therefore, metal chlorides are used in electrolysis wherever possible.
However, aluminium choride possesses covalent characters. It sublimes on heating and this indicates that aluminium choride has a covalent structure of Al2Cl6 . Therefore, molten aluminium oxide is used instead of aluminium choride in the extraction of aluminium.
In the eletrolysis of potassium choride solution, potassium ion and hydrogen ion move towards the cathode. Choride ion and hydroxide ion move towards the anode.
2008-06-08 11:36 pm
乜野叫做 electrolysis of potassium?Potassium can conduct electricity, but cannot be electrolysed.

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