
2008-06-08 10:04 pm
i had never heard a voice like that in my life
和but most of the american still doesn't know who i am




but most of the amercian still dosen't know who i am


but most of the American still don't know who I am.

而I had never hear a voice like that in my life,除了hear應改為heard之外,你所用的時式是過去完成式(past perfect tense),past perfect tense是以另一個過去的時間作為基準(參考點),而你的句子並未出現這個過去的時間,所以,是以現在為基準時間(所謂現在,是說話者的現在),故要用現在完成式(present perfect tense),所以,句子應改為

I have never heard a voice like that in my life.

回答 (5)

2008-06-09 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.i had never heard a voice like that in my life
呢句用o既係 past perfect tense,咁只要有 had 同一個動詞o既過去分詞就得。
二樓o既同學仔,應該都好幾用心上課o既,佢記得用呢個 tense 時係有一件較佢遲發生o既往事。但係咁代唔代表一定要o係同一句之中有呢件事並列,等你睇到佢地o既時間關係?
當然係唔駛啦。一個故事之中,成個用 past simple,但當你突然插敍一件往事,咁基準時間就係故事中o既「當時」,而插敍o既事就用 past perfect。隨便用 google 搵 "had never seen",搵到呢篇文:〔http://ajr.org/article.asp?id=2600〕,第五段就有以下一句:
The World Trade Center, we had never seen anything like this.
你引出o黎問人o既一句,冇上文下理,唔睇文章其他部份,冇人知係唔係要用 past perfect tense。既然係咁,就冇理由認為你應該轉做 present perfect,更加冇理由要加個 at that moment。
2.but most of the americans still don't know who i am
第一,americans 係講緊所有美國人,yahoo 博士同其他答者都冇睇到應該係用複數。
第二,most 係指「多數」,既然講緊人,就要一個個數,所以 之後o既動詞就要好似跟複數名詞咁,唔應該有 s。
第三,回應一樓:如果 a voice 要註明係 good / bad,咁 He is a boy 呢句係咪都必定要加形容詞?
第四,回應二樓:don't 或 didn't 都冇錯,問題係當時講者意思係乜野。你舉例 I was not listening,自己跟住就將語境講埋出o黎。但 I am not listening 又唔係唔o岩架喎,只係語境唔同之嘛(如以 present continuous 作決定之意)。所以不能武斷用 didn't 較好,都係要睇返原句上文下理。
2008-06-11 4:35 am
i Have-caux it never happened before but doesn't means it will never again,off course if u means it never happened before and will not happen in the fure,then u should use Had

Don't caux it's plural
2008-06-10 5:43 am
其實上面位朋友或許忽略了一些東西,雖然我們沒有前後文,但發問者卻早已指出:”我明明聽到是doesn’t”,所以,我們可以看到,I have never heard a voice like that in my life並不是從文章來,是從說話來,也因未有說到另一個動作,故參考的時間就是說話者的現在,因此,雖無前後文,但也可知要用

Present perfect tense
2008-06-09 1:19 am
1. i had never heard a voice like that in my life

好明顯上面咯個Yahoo 博士係岩既. 用had 的時候的時態一定要是過去的時候先可以用架. 你都冇話係以前既時候, 你點可以用 had 呀. 如果要用 had. 就要是, i had never heard a voice like that until that moment. 而 that moment還要是以前的時候, 再清楚既係. i had never heard a voice like that before i was 10 years old. 一定要係過去的時候先可以用架....還有其實好似用 the voice好d囉不過我都好似見過有d會用 a voice. 意思我相信是更強烈掛. 不過我知都應該係岩既.

2. 我肯定 most of the American still doesn't know who i am 是錯的.
一定是 most of the American still do not know who i am or most of the American still did not know who i am. 因為 most of the American 係複數, 點可以用doesn't 單數既東西呀. 而我自己會選擇用後者 most of the American still did not know who i am. 唔好問點解, 你睇多英文就知道點解架啦. 就好似, i was not listening. 我沒有聽你說的, 為何是過去式, 因為我剛才沒有聽到你在說什麼, 而不是現在.

那麼most of the American still did not know who i am.它們不知道你是誰, 是以前不是現在.

你話你冇聽錯, 咁就一定係佢講錯. 如果咯個係鬼佬, 我都係話佢錯...錯錯錯....
2008-06-09 12:07 am
I had never heard a voice like that in my life <--what thing do you say?good voice ? bad voice?

You can say;
I had never heard a good voice in my life until i heard it .[it describes with a good voice]
I had never heard a bad voice in my life until i heard it .[it describes with a bad voice]

Most of the american still don't know who i am.

我可能唔岩...Just for sharing.
參考: Myself

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