英文--subj,V.,infintive, gerund!!唔使答哂我嫁!!!

2008-06-08 9:47 pm
One-third of the city is experiencing a blackout tonight.
One-third of the city are experiencing a blackout tonight.
果'be'係米應該睇 One-third,,所以用are嫁??or睇city用is??

關於 infintive, gerund:
1. I spent a lot of time to write the essay.有冇錯??
or I spent a lot of time writing the essay.
2. Do you mind opening the window?
3. She got an offer to work in Canada.
平時offer之後既動詞要+ to, infintive,,但今次 offer 係名詞,,甘仍係to work or working??
4. You had better to take the bus.
點解既用to infintive既??
5. It's no problem to pick tou up at 9 o'clock.


回答 (2)

2008-06-08 10:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一句呢..就梗係One-third of the city is experiencing a blackout tonight.
因為用verb既時候會睇subject~~~咁呢句既subject係city 唔係one-thrid ..city一個..咪用is lo~~

第二句I spent a lot of time to write the essay 係冇錯既~~~gerund既用途只係限於某一d動詞又或者係preposition~~~咁spend呢個動詞係唔可以用gerund既~~~



第5句因為had to..係一齊用~~~表示需要既意思~~~咁加better只係一個adj.~~~

第6句 it's = it is...is 係一個verb~~所以加to~~

其實係好多字後面好似 mind, of ,for etc佢地都要加gerund..但係唔係每一個動詞都需要用~~~其他既就會加上to la~~~


2008-06-10 22:45:13 補充:
我覺得下面位人兄幫我補充左一d野~~~ 可以係to架~~~

e.g i spent an hour to read this book~~~~

呢個時候~~~我地唔會話i spent an hour reading this book~~~~
參考: 個人見解, 自己
2008-06-09 10:45 pm
I am just to lazy to answer your questions
but I would like to mind you....carmen16816819922000 did not get the 2nd answer (which you numbered 1) right.

spend should be followed by gerund.
dont believe me? Let me show you this from yahoo dictionary...i looked it up and got....

They spent three months touring Europe.

spent, followed by touring, not to tour

(i wanted to write this on the opinion wall, but i exceeded the word limit)

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