Resume question

2008-06-08 6:43 pm
想問下Resume 裏面是否一定要提供年齡? 是否有一些 Standard format 既 resume? 那裏可以找到?

在網上我找到一些有提供年齡,一些又冇‧有些有打expect 人工, 有些又冇?


回答 (1)

2008-06-08 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Resume 裏面是否一定要提供年齡? No. Your job experience and qualification are more important. They will know how old you are anyway during the interview.

是否有一些 Standard format 既 resume? 那裏可以找到? Yes. In google.

You should put your salary expectation on the resume but age is really no need.

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