short story

2008-06-08 12:21 pm
i need 500-700 words about swimming short story


don't copy other people

回答 (1)

2008-06-08 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Swimming Story
It is summer!
It gets very hot outside in the summer.
Sometimes, I get to go to the swimming pool.
The swimming pool is a big pool of water.
People get in the water to cool off from the heat and have fun.
When I get to the pool,
mymom or dad will read the safety rules to me.
I will try to listen.
I will try to remember them.
I will try to be safe.
Many people are at the swimming pool.
Sometimes it is loud.
That is OK. Sometimes,
I will hear people laughing.
Sometimes people will shout.
That is OK too.
I might hear water moving and splashing.
I might heara lifeguard blow a whistle.
It will be OK.
I will only get in the water with an adult.
The water feels cool.
It feels wet.
It sometimes tickles my skin.
That is OK.
I will try to get in the water and stand on the bottom of the pool.
My mom or dad might hold on to me and tell me to "kick."
Iwill lift my feet off of the bottom and kick in the water.
This might make the water splash.
It might splash my face.
I can wipe off my face with my hands.
It will be OK.
When I get out of the water,
the ground around the pool might be hot.
The water might make the ground slippery.
I willmake sure to walk so I don't fall down.
I can dry off with a towel.
There are lots of things to hear at the pool.
There are lots of things to see at the pool.
There are lots of things to feel at the pool.
I will have fun at the pool this summer.
參考: 100%我自己打

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