
2008-06-08 6:50 am

但係呢... 戈隻金色佢一見到細過佢既野就會咬.. 例如:貓同狗 佢之前好似想咬走隻貓個頭咁.. 我驚第時個BB比佢咬走唔知邊度.. 但係我又唔想見到佢比人拍針..

回答 (5)

2008-06-10 6:52 pm
2008-06-10 9:28 am
狗仔咬人一定有原因, 既然你是狗仔主人, 請你不要放棄他, 任意結束他的生命, 可否救他出來到朋友家中暫住, 和找trainer 去糾正他, 有時原因可能只是一些童年陰影, 及早發現便可以了.

狗仔可能已經傳達了訊息給我們, 只不過我們唔明白, 沒有可能因為咁就結束了他的生命. 救他出來先, 好嗎.
2008-06-08 9:36 pm
First of all we must find out why it bites people. If it is naughty, try to train it or send it to the training school. If it is a sickness come from its parents, that means with some danger, one is let it be shot. But don't let it be killed before everything is sure. Therefore I suggest you send it to some animal's home and support all the expenses and observe for sometime. Also let see anyone would like to adopt it.

I am a dog lover too. My Goldretreiver, bites me twice when she was one year old. I wanted to give her up but before that I gave her the last chance. I sent her to a dog trainer. But the first night was very cold, I can't believe that I missed her the whole night and took her home the next day morning. Then I request the trainer provide on site training. Since my dog bites me when I beat her (becauses ehe eats her bowel when she is few months old, to stop her I b eat her, the harder she resist, the harder I beat her). Trainer ask me to show him the way I beat her then his comment is that I use the wrong way therefore I AM TEACHING MY DOG TO BITE ME. That means even you want to beat your dog, never use the wrong way otherwise you would get the negative effect.

How silly I am? I am telling you my story because I want you to look up the reason why the dog bites. Before you make any decision, don't put it down. Give it a second chance at the same time you must protect you and your baby. Therefore try to contact some animal welfare organization, I think they can give you advice and help.

Now my dog is 5 years old and just like a little daughter always stay close to me. I spent HK$6000 for 12 lessons but most of the tricks the trainer teach are already learnt by my dog before training. But the most valuable one is the lesson to me.
參考: my true story
2008-06-08 10:44 am
參考: 本人
2008-06-08 7:05 am
你有 bb,粗身大細,唔怕一萬,至怕萬一,我建議你都係唔好接佢返來啦。就算一定係要接返屋企,都一定要口罩等佢咬唔到人先得。


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