
2008-06-08 5:38 am
The new Shogun Burger with Egg uses grade A eggs from the USA.
Inspested, washed and coated with an approved USDA mineral oil for protection, every precaution is taken so our eggs reach you in optimum condition.

1. 個包用A級雞蛋? 個包係死物, 用use 呢個verb 適合嗎?
2. Inspested, washed and coated with...., 應該在形容 eggs, 佢那句p.p.不是在形容every precaution嗎? 定係可以跳左一個cause去形容eggs?

回答 (4)

2008-06-08 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
The car has a steeply sloping windshield, and uses small side windows at the base of the windshield similar to the Toyota Prius
2.你又說得對,inspected, washed and coated with...都是用來修飾our eggs。
或許,你曾學過,分詞子句的隱形主詞,就是主句的主詞,但你驟眼看去,主詞就是every precaution;但你可否留意主句是句”集合句”(compound sentence),由so連接兩句子句,而這兩句子句都是對等的,所以every precaution...so...,就出現了兩個同等地位的主詞,precaution和our eggs,由句子的上文下理看,很容易看出,分詞子句所修飾的是our eggs而不是every precaution。

2008-06-07 23:54:56 補充:
”The car has a steeply sloping windshield, and uses small side windows at the base of the windshield similar to the Toyota Prius”就是一例
2008-06-10 12:27 am
1. I think it is ok to use [use] in this case.

2. You are definitely right! This is a problematic sentence. Many people, even westerners, make this mistake.

We definitely understand that [inspested, washed and coated with...] is intended to describe the eggs. This is logical thinking. But gramatically, [inspested, washed and coated with...] is decribing the precaution. You cant skip one clause to decribe the eggs. This might be acceptable in informal/oral English, but dont do it on exam papers. You will lose mark from it.

Give you one more example

*As a student, I think you should not do this.
([student] refers to [I]. This is always mistakenly used by many people, who actually want to say the [you] is a student.)
*As a student, you should not do this.
([student] refers to [you])
2008-06-08 7:48 am
every precaution is taken係用黎進一步說明Inspested, washed and coated with an approved USDA mineral oil for protection 呢一個phrase
2008-06-08 5:54 am
回答 question one: the new shogan burger with egg uses... that means this
burger always uses... 恆常條件 (至少讓食客覺得這個包常常用美國A級蛋。

Question 2: Inspected.... 是用來describe 那些"蛋" 的 "護蛋程序"。

don't think too much
enjoy your burger
參考: me

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