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1) 新加坡
肉骨茶(閩南語白話字拼音:bah-kut-t) 是一種流行於東南亞的馬來西亞和新加坡一帶的食品。
Bak kut teh is a Chinese soup popularly served in Malaysia, Singapore, China and also, cities of neighbouring countries like Batam of Indonesia and Hat Yai of Thailand.
2) 美國
蘋果批是代表美國的甜食,連美國的慣用語有說「As American as apple pie」(“如蘋果批一樣美國化”)。
3) 中國
Tofu, also tōfu (the Japanese Romaji spelling), doufu (the Chinese Pinyin spelling often used in Chinese recipes) or bean curd (the literal translation), is a food of Chinese origin, made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks.
4) 日本
5) 韓國
Kimchi, also spelled gimchi or kimchee, is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the spicy baechu variety. Kimchi is also a common ingredient and cooked with other ingredients to make dishes such as kimchi stew and kimchi fried rice.
6) 英國
馬德拉島蛋糕(英文:Madeira cake),是一個普遍的老英國傳統食品。
7) 法國
焦糖奶油鬆餅(Croquembouche)是經常在婚禮食用的法國點心,名字來自法語「Croque en bouche」
8) 意大利
泡芙是一種源自意大利的甜食。A profiterole or cream puff
9) 台灣
珍珠奶茶(Bubble tea),又稱波霸奶茶,簡稱珍奶,是一項流傳於台灣的茶類飲料,將粉圓加入奶茶之後,就成為珍珠奶茶。
10) 意大利