請問有冇人知道美國有冇呢間大學?在美國的 University of Management and Technology

2008-06-07 7:34 pm

在美國的 University of Management and Technology...(美國管理科技大學)


(我是UMT的 B.BA 畢業生,亦打算在下個月開始讀MBA,但從未想過在UMT繼續讀MBA。有興趣知更多,請Email 我留電話再交流。)

但我因為過期没有處理,所以未能聯絡這位朋友再請教.,希望這位了朋友能再 給我聯絡方法.多謝!

回答 (3)

2008-06-25 6:59 am
Dear All,

UMT的MBA課程已在 June 2008 在香港教育局註冊(非本地高等及專業課程)即表示香港教育局批准UMT在港開辦MBA課程, My contact e-mail : [email protected] or tel 9773 4979. I will also attend the course this year, hope could see you all in lesson.
2008-06-09 8:51 am
美國的確有這所大學存在,地址是 1901 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 700 Arlington, VA 22209-1609 USA VA 是 Virginia 的簡稱.可用Google 的Map 去檢視.

  此大學在中國,台灣,香港都有開辦課程,在中國開辦的課程更找中國駐美國大使館去確認此大學的存在以及其在美國的認可是否真實.(umt.netbig.com) 所以認受性是沒有問題.但持有此大學學歷的人在香港升學或就業要留意:

  升學方面:如想在港修讀本港大學的碩士課程,須個別審視,因為本港大學只會直接承認本地大學學士的資格或同該大學有合作的oversea university.其他的大學學士資格,必須個別審視.

  就業方面:UMT的BBA課程已在香港教育局註冊(非本地高等及專業課程)即表示香港教育局批准UMT在港開辦BBA課程,而非承認資格,而該註冊條例規定課程單張須註明”個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格”.在港只有香港學術及職業資歷評審局有權認定學歷資格.過往情況是大部份私人機構是承認所有oversea or local的學歷資格,政府則一定承認本地大學學歷資格(因為本地大學學歷已取得香港學術及職業資歷評審局的認定)而oversea的學歷資格則個別審視.
2008-06-07 8:26 pm
University of Management and Technology (Virginia)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The University of Management and Technology (UMT), located in Arlington, Virginia, is an accredited institution of higher education offering undergraduate and graduate degrees using distance education methods. Founded in 1998, UMT is authorized to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
Institutional accreditation is provided by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). DETC also is recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). UMT is an institutional member of CHEA.
UMT is a member of Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) and a Strategic Partner of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). UMT has been active in Project Management Institute (PMI) since its inception. UMT's degree programs have specialized accreditation by the Global Accreditation Center of the Project Management Institute. UMT is affiliated with the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES). The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs has approved UMT for students to use the G.I. Bill benefits to attend.

External links

University of Management and Technology
Distance Education and Training Council (DETC)
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)
SCHEV List of Private & Out-of-State Colleges in Virginia
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges List of Universities
Defense Acquisition University Strategic Partnerships
Global Accreditation Center of the Project Management Institute, List of Accredited Institutions
DANTES Nationally Accredited Distance Learning Programs

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