
2008-06-07 7:30 pm
最好係有教育意義, 感動人心, 有趣和好看

我想順便問吓有一本書叫領導的權力(The Power to Lead)在那裡有得賣?

回答 (1)

2008-06-21 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow, Jeff Zaslow, Jeffrey Zaslow (Published Date April 08)
2. Tuesdays with Morrie : An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom
3. Chicken Soup Series

2008-06-21 02:15:15 補充:
The Power to Lead
I am not sure where they have it in Hong Kong, but if you absolutely need it but couldn't find it, you can check out bn.com, Barnes and Noble ships internationally. I think the shipping for 1 book costs about 8 dollars (US)

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